IntelliAda is an IntelliJ plugin for Cardano blockchain. Using this plugin developers can interact with Cardano directly from their IDE. In the current version of this plugin, developers can mint native tokens, transfer Ada / Native tokens from one address to another inside their IDE. This plugin doesn't provide any stake pool management related features.
In the current version, plugin provides integration with Blockfrost Cardano Api. Support for other backends like Cardano wallet, Cardano GraphQL will be added in future release.
GitHub: https://github.com/bloxbean/intelliada
Plugin page: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/17109-intelliada-cardano-integration
Account Management
Create new testnet/mainnet accounts
Import an account by providing 24w mnemonic phrase
Transfer transaction
Transfer Ada or any native tokens
Native Token Minting
Script Management
Create script (sig, all, any, atLeast, after, before)
Use policy scripts while minting new native tokens
Metadata support
Add metdata to the transaction
Supports raw json
Metadata editor to build metadata
Metadata templates
View transactions
Utxo explorer
View utxos of a specific address
Select utxos during transaction submission (Optional)
Blockfrost integration
Integrates with Blockfrost Cardano Api
Supported IntelliJ version (2021.1 and above)
IntelliJ IDEA
Supported Operating Systems
The plugin uses cardano-client-lib which is only supported on the following Operating systems.
Apple MacOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)
Linux (x86_64) (Ubuntu 18.04 and above or compatible ...)
Windows 64bits (x86_64)
For any other operating systems, please create a request here.
Last updated